pg-prefix-identifier (NM013)#
Automatic fix is not available.
What it does#
Checks for identifiers prefix with pg_.
Why not?#
From the documentation:
Schema names beginning with pg_ are reserved for system purposes and cannot be created by users.
Since system table names begin with pg_, it is best to avoid such names to ensure that you won't suffer a conflict if some future version defines a system table named the same as your table. (With the default search path, an unqualified reference to your table name would then be resolved as the system table instead.) System tables will continue to follow the convention of having names beginning with pg_, so that they will not conflict with unqualified user-table names so long as users avoid the pg_ prefix.
Same thing applies to other objects such as functions, views, sequences etc.
When should you?#
Use instead:#
Remove prefix pg_ from identifier.